19. October 2021
Week full of i18n
It’s been busy week for i18n
Over the past week i18n got many new features and bugfixes
i18n + validator
It’s now possible to read validation messages from translation files and what makes it even better is that it’s possible to report missing validation messages. You can now have all validation messages easily translated without having to worry if you missed a key or not
There’s also possibility to add fallback message in formatMessage()
Just in case if validation translation is missing, but still need to return some message.
This fallback message can also differ between locales.
No longer random English words in Spanish pages or big bad “TRANSLATION MISSING” errors!🎉
i18n + auth
Like validation messages, it’s also now possible to translate all @adonisjs/auth exception responses through i18n translation files
For full i18n documentation check https://docs.adonisjs.com/guides/i18n